ABPI Exam Toolkit eLearning

ABPI Exam Toolkit eLearning

Open blank notebook on clean desk with phone and laptop
Jumpstart your ABPI Exam studies

Introducing our ABPI exam self-paced eLearning course – it’s been in the pipeline for a while now…but finally, our eLearning course is here and ready for you to pace yourself.

If you find it difficult to keep on track, this course gives you structure,  guiding you with tips and tricks to prepare for the ABPI Exam. Based on my free lessons, the course introduces in-depth explanations of a subset of topics from the ABPI learning materials.

Along the way, it will help you improve your revision techniques, with videos,  and practice multiple choice questions built in, as part of the lecture topics.

Ready to rev up your revision?

Give yourself a boost, like other successful exam candidates, and take your ABPI exam revision from so-so to rock-solid with a structured path offering insights into what you need to do to pass the ABPI exam.

Our self-paced elearning keeps you on-track for ABPI exam success:-

ABPI Exam Toolkit e-Learning

Looking at all your ABPI Exam study options before deciding what to go for?

Navigating around our site, you’ve figured out that you’ve got lots of options:-

  • flashcards via Quizlet
  • 230 multiple choice questions for mandatory units 1 to 4 in a PDF workbook 
  • Optional Multiple Choice Question PDF booklets for the optional units 5 onwards that you can buy here

Did you know that we now offer an online eLearning Course and the option to do the 230 Multiple Choice questions via an online quiz format?

If that sounds more like your cup of tea, then:-

Choose your self-paced course TODAY

OR go straight to

ABPI Exam Toolkit self paced eLearning