Coach on Call


For ABPI exam candidates who’re stuck and need answers FAST


Stuck in a rut?

Instead of feeling there’s nowhere to turn, you get answers to your questions in weekly email exchanges.

Knowing you’re supported encourages you to keep on track. (Who doesn’t need a friendly nudge sometimes?)

Self-study can be lonely and hard going

Often, preparing for the ABPI exam is a lonely experience. For some, that means there’s no support.

Chances are, you’ve been left to get on with it.

Perhaps you’ve been told: “… It’s really easy. Just multiple choice questions. Read the manual. You’ll be fine.”

Sound familiar?

So, of course, you registered for the exam, bought the manuals, then realised there’s no way you’re ready for this. Other than friendly, well-meaning, but outdated advice from managers or colleagues, you’ve nowhere to turn for help. Besides, you’re a grown-up.

You can do this.

Except for the days when you feel it’s all a bit TOO MUCH. Or, maybe you’re brave, winging it, all on your own. But, you keep missing a pass by just a few marks, and now you’re desperate. Time’s running out.

So, how do you cope, when you need some help on those days when it’s all a bit much to deal with? Perhaps you sigh, cross your fingers and hope for the best, as you go back to re-reading that section in the manual, hoping this time that the penny will drop.

Why do that to yourself, when help is close at hand?

Instead of circling the same old questions, issues or problems, get answers, and a lot more besides. Sometimes, we just need a friendly nudge to keep us on track, or set us straight, or even to point us in a different direction.

Does that sound like the kind of help you need?

As the Coach-on-Call, I’m here for you.

Who am I? (Let’s not get distracted by this existential question.)

I’m Dr Marie McKenzie-­Mills, a qualified scientist and educator with a ton of experience in medical research, healthcare, and pharma.

Got a question? Get in touch TODAY

What’s Coach-on-Call?

It’s my virtual support service for exam candidates like you, who could do with some help.

With Coach-on-Call, you get ongoing support from someone who understands the pressures you face in your job, and who helps you:-

  • with those stubborn bits in the learning material that don’t stick (‘cos they don’t make sense);
  • with answers to questions (including pointers to great videos that breathe life into tricky topics);
  • keep you accountable (according to your own study plan);
  • or, just give you some friendly encouragement.

We keep in touch at least once a week, by email, and we talk about life, the Universe and everything to do with the ABPI exam, for as long as you need. Send me your burning question(s), based on whatever’s bugging you with your revision that week. You know – those annoying bits that shouldn’t be taking up as much time. But, instead of getting clearer, the more you dig into them, the more confused you become.

Instead of wasting time, let me provide you with a lesson (and other resources) to clear up any confusion.

Ready to get the support you’ve been waiting for?

Coach-on-Call means you no longer have to cope with the challenges of the ABPI exam on your own, all for the cost of a small daily latte, at  £75 (£62.50 plus VAT) per month for as long as you need, or want (for most that means for 3 months).

Hit the Subscribe button to get started TODAY.

Then, I’ll send you a form to begin the process. That’s it.

P.S. This service automatically expires after 3 months. Or, cancel anytime by hitting the button below. If you need more coaching, subscribe again. 

Can’t subscribe?

If you’re not able to subscribe because the button above won’t let you, it means all coaching spots are taken right now. Reserve a spot on the waiting list and I’ll be in touch as soon as one is available for you.

Want to dip your toe in the water first, or just dip in, now and again?

If you’re a member of the Toolkit, you know already that I share tips and lessons on a weekly basis, in my 16-week email series. (Get it here).

If you’re stuck over something in the ABPI learning materials and wasting time going round in circles, get unstuck with a single personalised lesson (like those I share in the Toolkit).

Click the button below to reserve your Q & A lesson (cost: £20 i.e. £16.67 plus VAT). Then, send me your burning question of the moment, and I’ll provide you with a lesson (and other resources) explaining the answer within the week (your Question: my Answer).

Move your revision forward. Now. Get the exam PASS you deserve.


The ABPI Exam Toolkit™ refers to the range of digital products and services developed and provided by McKenzie Mills Partnership Ltd.

© McKenzie Mills Partnership Ltd 2017-2025. All rights reserved.