ABPI Exam Toolkit Tutorials

CONFUSED? Get clarity in 1-to-1 tutorials


Do you feel like this?


“It’s so frustrating…I’ve got one more shot at this, but I keep just missing a pass in Unit 4.”

You’re not alone. It’s no secret for those taking resits that it’s frustrating, demotivating and downright demoralising when you keep missing a pass by one or two marks. Then there’s the added pressure when your two years in the industry are almost up. How did that happen? (Well, sometimes everyone else has beaten you to the exam dates you hoped to book. Right?) You just want to scream…


So, how to get out of this fix?

Sadly, a lot of hardworking exam candidates go back to reading the learning manuals over and over, thinking that this time it’ll stick.

Here’s what you need to know

Re-reading the same old stuff isn’t going to cut it.

If you’re confused because something doesn’t make sense, or because you don’t understand it, no amount of re-reading is going to change that. You need to clarify your “sticking” points:-


  • Which part is causing confusion?
  • What don’t you understand?
  • What is it that you can’t remember?

“What can you do to help me?”


This is the key question that exam candidates ask me, once they reach out for help.

I can help you sort out whatever’s bugging you in a jiffy (okay, maybe more like an hour), in a 1-to-1 online tutorial, tailored just for you.

What you need is a tutorial

If you keep putting off revising part of an ABPI exam topic because something doesn’t make sense, or you don’t understand, a 1-to-1 online tutorial is ideal for you, since it’s the perfect opportunity for us to sort out those problem areas in an hour (even if it is intense). But that’s what you need. Isn’t it? (I love it when everything falls into place for my students.)

Achieving clarity boosts your confidence, and makes the most of your time to study smarter (not harder). You need this if your two-year deadline for passing all exam Units is approaching.

You also get:-

  • a mind map of the topic (painting an overview, as well as linking the details)
  • videos that breath life into those endless pages of text
  • explanations of concepts
  • tips on how to pronounce certain terms
  • flashcards to embed terms in your memory
So, if you keep putting off revising a particular part of Unit 4 because you’re stuck, stop going round in circles, book a tailored tutorial NOW.

Just remember to bring your list of questions.


(Don’t worry, I’ll send you a Needs Analysis Questionnaire, so we can really dig into your “problem” areas.)


Achieving clarity boosts your confidence, and means you study smarter (not harder).


You need this if your two-year deadline for passing is approaching.

My focus in this motivating series of four intensive 60-minute tutorials is on helping YOU.

Take all four tutorials, or whichever you need, it’s up to you:-

Unit 4 Development and use of medicines
Tutorial 1. Disease and immunology
Tutorial 2. Development of a medicine
Tutorial 3. Pharmacovigilance
Tutorial 4. Pharmacology

Sessions are designed to fit around busy schedules, with unnecessary travel time (and expense) eliminated, since your 1-to-1 (with me, Dr Marie McKenzie-Mills) is via Skype or Facetime, whichever suits you.

Tutorials in the following are also available:-

Kickstarting your studies: Taming the overwhelm monster (or get tips and techniques as well as in-depth lessons in our new eLearning course).

Unit 3.1 The nervous system

Unit 3.2. The endocrine system


Check availability now. Click the button below.


Prefer Coaching?

Join my Coach-on-Call programme, where we keep in touch at least once a week by email for as long as you need. Send me your burning questions, based on whatever's bugging you with your revision that week. I'll send you a lesson in which all becomes clear. Don't get hung up, or waste time. Get clear.

Send me my endocrine system mindmap

(We respect your privacy. If you change your mind, unsubscribe anytime.)

Need something else?

Call or email - look forward to hearing from you.


The ABPI Exam Toolkit™ refers to the range of digital products and services developed and provided by McKenzie Mills Partnership Ltd.

© McKenzie Mills Partnership Ltd 2017-2025. All rights reserved.