ABPI Exam: What price success?

What price are you willing to pay for success?



You appreciate that taking the ABPI exam involves a variety of costs, right?

Some costs can be claimed back from your company, or else your company pays up front. For example, this includes the cost of:-

    • ABPI learning manuals
    • Sitting the Exam itself

But what if you need more than that?

Like any other big goal that involves a cost,  you plan for it by budgeting. Don’t you?

And yet, the cost of my 16-week email course of lessons is zilch, nada, niente. In other words, nothing.  Why look a gift horse in the mouth?

While there’s no cost to you, there’s a ton of hard work behind these lessons.  Does that mean you don’t value them?  I’m pleased to say that many of you tell me you’ve found them helpful. A good many of you then progress to take advantage of the flashcards, MCQ workbooks or mind maps.

Even so, some find self-study challenging.

That being the case, it’s disappointing for me when students sabotage themselves rather than seeking help. (Is it really that hard to discuss your issues with your manager, or a colleague, or someone outside your company, like me?)

What’s more worthwhile – MCQs where the answers are obvious, or MCQs where you have to think really hard?

Take the other day, an ABPI exam candidate fed back that she wished she hadn’t bought the unit 1 to 4 workbook…

Della (not her real name) explained she found it confusing that more than one answer was possible with the multiple choice questions (MCQs), unlike in the exam itself.

Perhaps I haven’t shouted it enough from the rooftops, but I’m not here to spoon feed you. I’m pushing you to make sure that you really know your stuff.

So, if you find some of the MCQs in my workbooks confusing, perhaps you’re not as rock solid in your knowledge as you think you are.

The whole point of how I’ve written the multiple choice questions (MCQs) is to force you go to back over the ABPI learning materials to clarify what you really don’t understand. Job done.

In the exam itself, you’re tested on your understanding and ability to apply what you’ve learned, not just what you can remember. So, you need to be able to robustly test that your revision is on track.

Instead of realising that she wasn’t quite as solid in her revision as she thought, Della vented her frustration about spending £45 on a workbook with 230 MCQs.

Rather than seek a bit of help, or encouragement to stick with it, she then decided to put the workbook aside.


Challenge Yourself

Because  she wasn’t prepared to truly put her knowledge to the test – to challenge herself. That’s her choice. But, it seems to me that Della let herself down. What do you think?

Are you ready to challenge yourself?

What price are you willing to pay for success in your ABPI Exam?


Ready to test yourself today? Pick up your MCQ workbook here.


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