The secret to razor-sharp focus on ABPI exam revision

I’m about to let you in on a secret that will boost your ABPI exam revision…

Actually, it’s more of a tip for developing your ABPI exam super-power of focus.

Ever been in a GP surgery, hospital postgrad centre, or in your company’s head office  and heard a resounding “ding, ding” clanging out from somewhere?

That’s the tell-tale sign of someone using a time management app, like Pomodoro. Continue reading “The secret to razor-sharp focus on ABPI exam revision”

No time to study? These 4 Learning techniques (and 3 tools) put you in control of your ABPI Exam revision

When Duncan approached me for help with his exam resits, he was feeling demotivated, demoralised, and overwhelmed:

“…with a young family, other commitments, as well as my full-time job, I’m finding it difficult to carve out any more study time”.

He’d never failed an exam before. His resits were in four weeks.

“What about your moments of downtime?” I asked him.

“Like when you’re: waiting before a sales call; walking the dog; in the car, or anywhere else you could reasonably be listening to the equivalent of crib notes?”

“Yeah. I’ve done all that. I recorded my specialist topics word for word from the learning manuals. But, nothing’s going in. I can’t seem to absorb any of it.”

“Ah. I see.”

Clearly, Duncan was feeling time pressured. Like other candidates before him, he didn’t lack commitment, but I suspected he perhaps wasn’t making the best use of his time.

Recording chapters from his manual would have taken time and effort, especially doing it word-for-word. 


This meant he hadn’t processed the topics in those chapters, because he hadn’t made the concepts his own. Putting them into his own words – and summarising – would’ve been a good start. But, because he felt time pressured, he decided to skip doing this.

So, before doing anything else, we needed to…  Continue reading “No time to study? These 4 Learning techniques (and 3 tools) put you in control of your ABPI Exam revision”


The ABPI Exam Toolkit™ refers to the range of digital products and services developed and provided by McKenzie Mills Partnership Ltd.

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